The Origianl House Plan:

This plan hung on our refridgerator for nearly 10 years. Often, I would dream of this house being ours. When it came time to build it, we decided we wanted to make some changes. Here they are in a nutshell:
Kitchen: We do not like the total open concept. We like some separation between the living and cooking areas. We feel it offers another gathering place a bit separate from the main living area. Also, we can't bring ourselves to "cook" in the living room. To solve this, we moved the kitchen to the dining room and the dining room to the kitchen. We also, moved the back wall of the dining room to the edge of the porch located behind the dining room. This was a walkway from the master bedroom to the porch. We felt this was better use of the porch space. Also, we added a door to the kitchen that goes to the back porch so we did not have to bring groceries in through the main living area. We felt adding a door would make us more connected to what is going on outside on the porch and the yard. Note: The kitchen design is different than on the revised plan. This will be highlighted at a later time.
Master Bedroom Closet: We turned the side porch of the bedroom into a closet. We felt this would give much more room for the laundry room. I have seen pictures of the original laundry room and with cabinets on both sides, there was only about 30" between them.
Master Bath: We have had a soaker tub in the past and never had time for it. It seemed to be a big dust collector so we decided to enlarge the shower and have a real nice shower. This allowed for much larger vanities and storage. We also added a door from the bedroom to the bathroom.
Laundry Room: We enlarged the laundry room as previous stated. It is my hopes that this is a laundry/craft room.
Hall Closet/Stairs: We knew we wanted to have a basement if the lot allowed for it. So, we took the hall closet in the front hall and added a staircase that is 4ft wide to the basement.
Drop Zone: Other than the front entrance, there really was not a place for the kids to drop their backpacks. In the space where the stairs go down, we added a drop zone on the kitchen side. We hope we can make this as deep as the staircase will allow us.
Guest Bath: We anticipate having lots of company. We decided to make the hall bath a full bath. Also, this may be the only tub in the house which we were told we needed for resale value.
Hallways and Doors: The hallway had off sets that made for smaller doorways. We took these out which widened the opening.
Porch: The overhangs on the house are very large. As of now, we have decided to extend the rear portion of the porch that would have been the same as the walkway from the master bedroom. We feel at this time this will allow for more "moving around" area when we eat outside. Also, we took out the nook on the right side of the side porch steps. Again we feel this opens up for more gathering.
The Revised House Plan:
